
It all began with a yes. And sometimes you have to say No.

Hi! I’m Sandra D but you can call me Sandy. I wanted to introduce myself to those of you who don’t know me. I am a painter, photographer, film editor and recently, a gallery owner.

I was born in Philadelphia, refined in Paris, liberated in Prague and hardened in New York. 

Life is meant to throw you curve balls & after much dodging, I’ve found myself in the sweetest river town in the heart of a loving creative hive who are now my tribe & family. 

A month before the pandemic, the universe whispered in my ear, reminding me of a long forgotten dream. I wasn’t sure exactly HOW I was going to pull it off, but I knew in every fiber of my being that I just had to say YES! And so I signed a lease on a sweet little spot in Frenchtown, NJ & The Art Parlour was born!

I wanted this place of magic to be filled with friends, new & old, art, music, collaboration, laughter, weird puppet shows- whatever craziness I can cook up!

Who would have known that one month after I signed my lease that a world wide pandemic would have begun. We stuck it out,

had 16 shows during that year and a half. It was incredible! I learned so much and it really turned out to be an unique timing that allowed us to provide a creative space during a time when all else was closed. It was so much fun! So much creativity and also

a big burden to hold up all the while working full-time!

Long story short, I decided to close the store front and focus on personal projects and the like. Although The Art Parlour has shuttered it’s doors - it’s creative ripple will be felt for a long long time!

Please continue to follow us on social media as we will be promoting local events and share incredible art.

Thank you so very much!
